6 Bedroom Cleaning Checklist Tips

Your bedroom is the best place to relax after a long day. Without a clean bedroom, your sleeping habits will be negatively impacted. Here are the top 6 bedroom cleaning checklist tips you should know.

Start Decluttering

Check every inch of your bedroom for anything that doesn’t belong there and start decluttering. Remove any decorations you don’t want to keep and put them in a donation box.

Clear The Trash

Remove all the trash in your bedroom, including under the bed and throw it away. Check everywhere including the closet, the nightstand and any other area in your bedroom to avoid leaving anything behind.

Remove The Linens And Clean Them

Remove the bedding, the curtains, drapes, and blinds and clean them. Don’t forget to follow the cleaning instructions. If they must be dry-cleaned, take them to the dry cleaner. If you can hand wash or put them in the laundry machine, you should do so.


You need to remove the dust in your bedroom. Here, you need to work from top to bottom then from left to right. That way, you are not scattering dust in the areas that have already been cleaned. If there are any pictures on the walls, you can remove them and clean them. Remove the shade from your lamps and wipe down the light bulbs. Remove the mattress cover once you are done and clean it. Clean your ac regularly. Acservicesmaui.com does ac system cleaning.

Clean Your Mattress

Remove the mattress from the bed and take it outside to freshen up in the sun. You can also run a vacuum cleaner on the mattress to remove any leftover debris. If you saw bed bugs in your mattress, call a pro to exterminate them. Seattle bed bug extermination can help you.

Rearrange The Closets

Once you have cleaned the room, you need to remove the clothes from your closet and arrange them properly. Make sure they are easily accessible and put the right clothes for each season out front while the rest at the back.

Use these tips to clean your bedroom and enjoy a clean and relaxing place after a long day!

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